Monday, May 18, 2009

::Mattson Family::


kh said...

These are really beautiful shots Erica. I esp. love the one of the husband and wife holding hands. That image should have been used for the prop 8 campaign. It beautifies a marriage between a MAN and a WOMAN. Lovely location too.

Unknown said...

these are so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and I am in AWE of your family shots. My boyfriend and I just started our own photography business and we have a family shoot coming up in October and you have just inspired me big time! I have been gushing about your photos to him for like 20 minutes. lol.
Anyway, great pics and I'll be following your blog for sure.
Oh and my blog is
I have some of my photography there as well as a link to my company's site. Any feedback would be much appreciated!